J'adore Monsieur My Dog Sighs.
The man is a legend.
And a genius.
And quite frankly a jolly nice chap indeed.
Which is very lucky for me as he puts up with my stalking and all round general besottedness (is that even a word?) with such good grace.
Imagine my delight when I flick on the computer screen just in time to jump in on Mr Sighs' 'Craft it Forward' post on good old
Imagine my delight further when this little guy arrived in the post last week....
To be honest, I was expecting one of his cardboard paintings - which I would have been ecstatically over the moon with but THIS!! Well now I am over the moon x 1,000!
I've admired these little tin can guys for a while, but to hold one in your hand gives them a new perspective entirely. They really are just full of awesome and this little guy will fit in just nicely with all the other fabulous works of art that I have been collecting over the last couple of years and are just waiting to be hung on my Wall of Awesome.
And so with that, now it's my turn to Craft it Forward.
I will make something for the first 5 people that wish to take part in keeping this love train going.
Your end of the deal is to do the same for a further 5 people.
You can paint/sew/knit/crochet or whatever as long as it is handmade by you.
And then you need to blog/facebook/tweet etc about it to invite others (please leave your links here when you've done that, just to make sure that everyone is playing fair and not just nabbing something for free).
So if you want to play (I promise to make you something nice), speak now or forever hold your peas.... :)
p.s. you can check out more of My Dog Sighs artwork by visiting his flickr page here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mydogsighs/
or his Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Dog-Sighs/115489371467
or indeed by watching the Culture Show at 7pm on BBC2 on Friday 10th but please remember, you can't have him. He's mine. I found him first.