Monday, 21 May 2012

Lots of people have been asking lately, "where are you?"   "why aren't you sewing?"  "when can I have a grump?"    and so I thought I ought to explain why I am awol in the internets.   The reason is this you see...  (in a nutshell)...

There is an EU Directive which states that all handmade toys must confirm to certain safety standards and carry a CE mark to confirm this.   This has been in force since 2011 but it seems a lot of toy makers don't actually know about it.  (And those that do, now have big headaches).

Now, I have never considered my freaky little creatures as toys for children and have always considered them as collectors items for older children and adults with squiffy brains  (I mean, it's not as if children don't already have enough STUFF, the little darlings)... but it seems that this is quite a grey area, with differing advice being given by Trading Standards in different areas as to what can be classed as a collectors item and what can't.

And so, until I have spoken with my Trading Standards office, and am sure that I am complying with their regulations then I must stop with the sewing for a while.
Hopefully only a short while.

I was going to start sewing up some samples to show them today, but my dearly beloved hobbit has given me his head cold, and it is hard to sew when your head feels like it's full of cold porridge.

So maybe I'll be just a while longer....

But not too long...

I hope...


p.s. this is how I feel...


  1. feel better real soon!!! (it's AMAZING I survived as a child...with all the 'regulations' out there now...)

    1. lol, thank you Barbara...
      You can understand not wanting to give items that may be dangerous to children, but sometimes I think we do live in too much of a nanny state.

      my favourite toy as a child was a box of matches. oh how I loved to make fire! ;)

  2. Hope you are back soon Lou!! I bet there is still loads n loads lil soft *toy* makers out there who have no idea. x x x

    1. Thanks chucky egg.
      I'm sure the word will spread eventually. It seems to be spreading like wildfire at the moment. It would be awful for anyone to get into trouble for doing something they love. <3

  3. Funny... I never ever thought your Grumps (etc) were toys for children. They are Far too Fab for kids! And let them get on with playing with their toys - Grumps are Definitely for Growned-ups (even with squiffy heads...).
    Besides, they're half full of beans. No kid's toys are ever full of beans. They are just not Toys!! No no!

    Meanwhile, I hope you are soon a zillion % better (and the Hobbit too). I recommend hot squash drinks, honey & lemon, toast and honey (if your throat's not sore), soup, warm blankets and a grump or two to cheer you up (I mean, who can't be cheered up by the idea that someone is so much more miserable than you are?)

    Feel better soon!

    1. Thank you for your adwices Lizze.
      When are you coming round to mop my brow and feed me grapes?

  4. survival of the fittest, i say.

  5. The world's gone PC/health and safety maaaaaaaaaaaad!!

    I love your creations, and can't wait to see what your insane brain comes up with next.
    Hope you're feeling better soon, get yourself some Nightnurse......or Gin. Gin solves everything :) xx

    1. You maked me larf Moody Cow!! ;)

      Now please pass the gin...

  6. where are the zombies?
